Hardened Enemy

"Captain," Tycondrius grimaced, "The previous times I sailed on waterborne vessels, I hadn't encountered any such creatures."

"Yeah, that's a given," Krysaos shrugged. "Most ships either have expensive enchantments on 'em or have a Sea Witch that the beasties know not to f*ck with."

Tycon nodded in understanding. The Sea Wolf fleet didn't have much coin for enchantments... or metallic eating utensils, for that matter. However, they did have Sea Witch Lieutenant Eilean in their employ. At Port Saint Guinefort, she was also responsible for training neophyte water mages-- likely to protect their other ships. 

"Even a bunch'a charms to appease the sea god can get 'em to leave you alone," Krysaos sighed... "and we got... none o' the abooove~"

"Charms, you say?" Tycon grimaced. 

"Trinkets, baubles, lucky bones..."