Pure of Heart

Though Tycon remained unsurprised by Barrel Boy's unexpected appearance, it seemed that the Captain still beheld his crew to logic. 

The sooner he accepted it, the easier it would be for him in the future... 

Krysaos booted the barrel away in exasperation. It rolled off the deck and back into the ocean with a large splash. 

"Unbelievable!" He shouted, "All that work and not a single hot mermaid girl!"

Tycon pursed his lips to the side, "I'd imagine that type of creature isn't... as common as you make it seem. The ocean is a rather large place, is it not?"

"Hey, LT, I don't think you mean to insult me-- but quit it," Krysaos sneered in response. "This ain't my first voyage. I been all across the fifteen seas, guy."

Tycondrius did not bother to point out that the number of Krysaos' seas had changed once again.