Black Crow (Part Two)

Usually, there were only two guys assigned to keep watch after the sun went down. 

Then, there was Philman. 

Philman pissed off the Captain... f*cked up some knots or some rookie shite-- Harvald had no idea...

It was a grand f*cking achievement, as the Captain'd been so f*cked in the head, as of recent. 

Anyroad, the kid was assigned to nightwatch as punishment. 

Didn't make a difference. The idiot couldn't be trusted to keep both his eyes open, by sun or starlight. 

That meant the kid's punishment was more like it was aimed at him and Rallen. 

...What should've been a night of spades and sleeping in shifts turned into babysitting a gods-damned fish. 

"Not. f*cking. funny," Harvald growled. "Now where is he?"

"'E said he needed ta take a piss," Rallen sneered, "Uvver side o' the ship, I s'pose."

The pained scream of a man cut through the foggy night... followed by a loud splash. 

"That him?" Harvald asked.