Armed for War

[Is that so?] Atlantea bowed her head, [Would you accept my gratitude? It pains me... but you should be treated as heroes amongst the Amphitrite Reef Tribe. The treatment you have endured thus far...]

"--is incredibly insulting," Tycondrius agreed. 

The bluntness shocked Krysaos back to reality, "Whoa. Hold on. It ain't so bad."

Tycon groaned in frustration, "The sahuagin have literally pointed weapons at us, every step-- every... ilm swum..."

"Take your time, LT."

Tycon chose to change the subject, "Atlantea... your people seem to have amassed a great deal of resources to be armed so... thoroughly."

The enchanted arms and sturdy sets of armor wielded by the Amphitrite Reef Tribe were similar in strength and quality to that of Guild Letalis Serpentia... and in a much larger scale.