
After an exquisitely-prepared, yet humble meal of exotic raw fish, Tycondrius and Krysaos bid farewell to Oracle Atlantea. Leaving the temple of the Lake Goddess, they met with their armed escort and informed them of their intent to leave the city. 

Their travel was quick enough... but after so many bells had passed, word of two humans having sullied the waters of the Amphitrite Reef Tribe had seemed to spread. 

As they swam along the waterways, both Tycon and Krysaos were subject to... the civilian population of the city. They directed jeers and insults towards them in Aquan. Children pelted them with sharp shells, pointing in disgust or running in fear. 

"I can't f*cking believe this," Krysaos grumbled under his breath. 

"That we are treated so poorly, considering what we've done in their favor, is incredible, I agree," Tycon sighed.

"Hey, Mina," Krysaos whispered, "Say something, will ya?"