Krysaos, the Coward (Part Two)

The human, Krysaos... he stole the Heart of the Ocean away from the temple.

Mina's previous caretaker, Atlantea had no say.

The fates had spoken. 

Krysaos drew the sword. 

Since then, Mina had spent her time locked away in her cabin... staring through a dingy porthole at the open waters. 

She would emerge a few times to refresh herself with a swim... to collect trinkets from the depths... and for Sir Tycon's cooking. 

But even though she could do all the things a free woman could do... she was a slave to a duty she had no interest in fulfilling. 

She was a sword... created by the Lake Goddess to be wielded against her summoner's enemies. 

Krysaos' enemies... 

She'd been avoiding that man. There was no helping it. She wanted nothing to do with him.