
⁆ Captain's Log, Date XXXX. ⁅

⁆ My entire crew is made up of idiots. ⁅

Lieutenant Tycon removed his Officer's cap and swept back his annoyingly perfect green hair before replacing it, "I feel the need to remind you, Brother-Captain... that best practice dictates that we work with what is provided to us."

"Yeah, man... I get it," Krysaos heaved a sigh. "No use cryin' over tossed loot and shite... but seriously-- sea god's f*cking suspenders, this is ridiculous."

He gestured upward at the main mast, "Our sails are made of patchwork and... and underpants. And they're RED."

Tycon placed his hand on his chin, "I thought it strange, the red paint... I'm assuming the order to paint them was not yours."

"It most definitely was NOT," Krysaos narrowed his eyes. "And look at the deck! Dozens of holes-- can't fix those, either. Remember the other sun where I almost fell through and you had to help me out?"