Princess of the Vulkoori

Imperia shut her eyes... but it only made it worse. 

She knew the snake was still there. 

The golden eyes of a predator were fixated on her perfect body.

Every part of him was coiled around her... feeling her intimately... his tongue running down the side of her neck. 

She was not prepared for such a challenge in her quest. 

The Elven Sovereign had returned to this Realm... scarred yet handsome, noble in word and deed. 

Imperia desired him... just as she lusted for wealth... for strength... She'd grasp onto anything and everything she could to ensure her place, several steps above her sisters. 

Yet... the snake spoke truthfully. 

The sovereign was... an Ancient. 

They're all the same. 

One or ten thousand years was enough to distance even the youngest Ancient from the petty squabbles of commoners.