
"Yiss," She nodded. "People have words. That's what we use to talk."

⊰ the tycon ⊱

The image of a handsome green-haired Baron that Coraline didn't want to think about while relatively alone in her apartment room flashed in her mind. 

"The guy with the abs so hard I can wash my clothes on them?" She asked. "That's who you're talking about, right?"

⊰ wat? ⊱

"Nevermind," Coraline smiled with chagrin, "Tell me the thing!"

The tiny flame fwooshed up and out of the lamp... grew in size... and took humanoid form. A nude female whose shape was more-or-less identical to Coraline's floated in the center of the room. 

...Except with more belly fat. 

Coraline did not have belly fat. That was a lie.