Ignored Advice

While the humidity was comfortable, Tycondrius' military coat and undershirt had grown damp. Because of it, he keenly felt the bite of the still-wintry season... 

Conversely, his aquatically-inclined companions did not seem to share his silent distress. 

"Hmm hm hmm~" Imperia was humming to herself while tightly re-braiding a lock of her hair... "I trust those villagers even less than regular humans." 

"Hey, LT," Krysaos nudged Tycon with his elbow, "I bet you it's the village elder."

"Concerning what?" Tycon raised an eyebrow... "Also, no. I would not take that bet."

"Figure of speech, guy," The Captain shrugged, "--but whatever weird-ass thing is happening in the village-- I bet you that Elder Thorne guy's behind it all."

"The elderly human reeks of treachery," Imperia agreed... before adding: "I should know."