
Willow fell with a splash, just barely avoiding the Bog Creature's claws. She tried to call out for her sister but took a mouthful of swamp water, instead. 

Imperia leapt backward defensively, swinging her palm downward, "⌈Mana Ward!⌋" 

A half-bubble made of watery mana appeared in front of her, refracting light around her. Though it slowed the swamp thing's claws tenfold... it wasn't enough to stop them. 

One claw cracked against Imperia's armored thigh. It bounced off, but part of the hard shell it was made of crumbled away. It would probably leave a bruise-- but that wasn't too bad. 

The other... it gripped onto Imperia's right arm, squeezing its sharpened fingers and piercing into her flesh. She grunted and fell to a knee as blood ran black down her charcoal-skin. 

"Insolent creature..." Imperia growled as she took hold of the creature's arm with her left hand... "I will not tolerate your revolting touch. ⌈Inflict!!⌋"