Is It No Good?

After Princess Iyuri's brazen confession left her human tongue, she granted Tycondrius a full, radiant smile. 

Tycon took a deep breath as he patted the young woman's head. 

She was as tall as he was. He tried not to let the fact bother him. 

"Iyuri... do you even know what that means?"

"Hold on!" She shouted, "I know this!"

Tycon slowly tilted his head... "Young lady, there is no need to raise your voice."

"Bloodline memories, activate!" 

"...It's not a Skill," Tycon rested a fist against his hip, "You either know or you do not."

"H-hold on... It means..." Iyuri crossed her arms, squeezing her chest in... "It means that..." 

"...Would you like some assistance?"

"No, I got this... just.... It means..." 

Suddenly, the hatchling grinned, "It means we have to make a mutual contract. And then-- And THEN you'll be required by the Laws to hang out with me. Like-- all the time!"