Prologue (Part Two): Iron Giants

The black ivory mask kept tight on Growling Bear's face as he leapt off his charging mount-- and out of his sister's magical concealment.


The armored human didn't see him-- didn't hear him approach, but their warrior's instincts did not fail them.

The man lifted his tall shield and braced for impact. Growling Bear's twin hatchets sparked against the metal-reinforced wood.

"⌈Sand Swallows All,⌋" He whispered, activating his movement technique. He was one with the earth, diving into the sand as if it were water... and he emerged halfway-- in the warrior's blind spot.

He hacked into the human's ankle and with a bloody pull took him off his feet. The metal-shelled man was unable to keep his balance, crashing heavily into the dirt.

Growling Bear rolled forward, straddling the warrior's broad chest and, with the momentum, chopping both of his hatchets through the man's collarbones.