Must Be Nice

Coraline's Elven form was... sucked back into the floating fire sphere, but she reappeared in front of Haelvia in a flash, her arms crossed and her chin tilted up. 

"My boyfriend is hot, too! You *have* to believe me, Ellll~iiiiie!!!"

"It's fine, it's fiiiine~" Haelvia chuckled. 

It seemed her nickname of 'Elle' had turned into 'Ellie.' That was... endearing. 

"Ugh..." Coraline shook her head... "I'm... I'm really proud of him..."

Haelvia pursed her lips... "buuut?"

Coraline folded her hands... "I... I dunno."

The gap between Coraline gushing about her boyfriend and suddenly becoming self-conscious about the fact was incredible. It warmed Haelvia's heart... 

"How 'bout you tell me about him?" She whispered gently. 

"He's... strong..." Coraline's voice regained a bit of its strength... "Really strong. And... he's... a little taller than I am."

"But you'd rather he be as tall as I am?" Haelvia smirked.