
"Move!" Loki punched the inside of Lancelot's chest plates, "Move FASTER, Flame TAKE you!!!"

Xenos were attacking the camp... and his TRASH Divine Armor was ruining his chances at claiming his Flame-taken destiny! 

More and more of the disgusting creatures began to appear... and out of nowhere! 

They rode translucent shadow-horses, hiding behind their masks... afraid to show their faces. 

They shot arrows... they swung their swords and stabbed with spears...

If they had actual arms or legs, Loki didn't see them. They gripped their weapons with monstrous tentacles. 

Loki opened his arms, brandishing his Divine Armor's spear.

"[For the good of mankind, the XENOS will be PURGED!!!]" He shouted.

Lancelot empowered his voice-- directing it all forward.

He was Loki of Tyrion! A Flame-taken HERO! 

His voice would be heard! His enemies would BREAK in FEAR!!