Suitable Match

"Girl..." Januarius stood tall, looming over the Elven child named Coraline Heartsong, "what is the name of that Decanus?" 

"Centurion!" Phaedra scolded, "We don't have time for this!"

"His name... is Decanus Tychon!" The elf girl shouted. 

"Right. That's an uncommon name--" Phaedra groaned. "However, the fact that you know a Decanus DOESN'T F*CKING MATTER!!"

The Optio placed her hand on the hilt of her sword and stepped forward aggressively, "Now, I *implore* you, you stupid, Flame-taken, xeno SLUT... to F*CK!!! OFF!!!! before I--"

"Hold," Januarius swiped out his hand to stop her... and he tilted his head in curiosity, "Miss Coraline... what color... is that man's hair?"

"Centurion!" Phaedra scowled, "You MUST be joking!"

Januarius did not answer, keeping his eyes on the elf through his cold metal mask... as his heart raced... as he prayed to the Eternal Flame to rekindle the hope he'd abandoned long ago.