It Is You

Nova tugged again at her mask... but it was useless. And Notaku was JUST as useless! He didn't even offer to help! 

She was beyond embarrassed. 

One of the first things the Masked Ones learned was how to don and remove their masks. Notaku was the one who taught her.

His mana control was surprisingly precise for him being such a big dummy. 

Yanaba... was not a patient woman. She and Nova argued often-- usually over something her brother did. She could be sweet, yes... but usually Nova's unreasonable tantrums turned into a shouting match between them. 

She was holding back. 

Something... was wrong.

"Yan-yan..." Nova pursed her lips underneath her mask... "Why... are you being so nice to me?"

Yanaba shut her eyes... not answering. 

A tiny sliver of fear in Nova's heart started to grow in size. 

She brushed the surface of her mask... "What... am I... crying?"