High Praise

⟬ Outside the walls of Green Corn Keep, present time. ⟭ 

After Haelvia and Gaheris withdrew to a safer distance, she knelt down atop of a rock formation to watch the battle.

With the pain in her head easing and the adrenaline starting to wane, she finally remembered where she heard the name 'Tychon.'

It was... the 'Decanus' that Coraline said she knew. 

It was... the current leader of Sol Invictus. 

Coraline's reverence for him seemed to border on extreme, but... upon meeting him, it all made sense. 

That... that meant that besides Duplicarius Tychon being a Gold-Rank adventurer... he also had rock-solid abs. The thought made Haelvia's mind spiral towards thoughts that had no place on the battlefield. 

Piloting Talks-With-Fire-- or rather, the Divine Armor formerly known as Lancelot was something that should have been impossible.