You Did What?

Krysaos kept his big mouth shut. 

He would have loved talking back. He could run circles around the guy in a battle of words. 

...but that wasn't how you convinced that kinda guy he was wrong. Only steel did that. 

That was the point of Krysaos issuing the duel challenge... and he needed every advantage he could get. 

Being underestimated... that was probably the second best thing he could hope for. 

"Gentlemen!" Said a strong, deep voice from the crowd, "I shall serve as adjudicator."

Krysaos felt a smile creep onto his lips. *That* was his real money-maker. 

Tycon... the best gods-damned Lieutenant that Krysaos could ever ask for calmly stepped forward out of the rest of his crew. He wore his trusty Tyrion sword, his white and shiny, black-brimmed Officer's cap; a freshly pressed military coat, and his usual 'doesn't-actually-give-a-f*ck' half-smile.