“Friendly” Duel

The face Imperia revealed to Tycondrius was... not one of amusement.

"...Are you insulting me, Sir?"

"Young lady, I'm *trying* to give sage advice," Tycon glared. "Anyroad, I gave you a gift because I *felt* like it."

Also, it cost him nothing. 

Imperia took a half-step back in surprise... and then began to giggle, dropping her overly deep voice-- "Stars above, Tycon... you're the strangest noble I've ever met."

"You're welcome," Tycon groaned before turning away. 

He glanced over to the Elven Ancient known as King. He sat just outside the edge of the crew's rock-circle ring... eyes closed, cross-legged, and levitating slightly. 

In contrast, the lime-green, loincloth-wearing Coral Boy stood in front of him. He flourished two curved Nemayan blades in his hands with... surprising dexterity. 

"We... we ain't likin' 'is," Wonderboy cried. "We don't like 'is one bi--"