Apex Predator

With an acrobatic flip, Wonderboy closed the distance with the Captain, bringing down his blades from above. 

"⌈Ice BARRIER!!!⌋" Krysaos held out his left hand overhead, a half-fulm thick sheet of ice not quite blocking the blow... but giving him enough time to hop backward. 

"[Surrender, Captain Krysaos,]" Wonderboy whirled his blades before holding them in a cross pattern over his chest. It was something the Elven Ancient liked to do. "[Thou art not only a commoner facing a king... but a mortal facing a GOD.]"

"Che! Like I give a shite about the gods," Krysaos spat... "And ANYROAD, I'm a gods-damned Captain of a gods-damned ship..."

He pointed his rapier forward, laying his offhand atop his forearm, "and a gods-damned APEX PREDATOR!!! MINA!! Do the ⌈THING WE TALKED ABOUT!!!!⌋"

Four spell-circles appeared at Krysaos' feet, shining a harsh whitish blue. Water erupted skyward, fully enveloping the gentleman... and taking the shape of...