Honest Worry

"I... would appreciate that," Tycondrius inclined his head. "Her name is Elle and I am quite... smitten with her."

"I look forward to meeting the most miraculous snake tamer in the Realm," Ophelia nodded, "I've prepared you a list of armors, weaponsmiths, and restaurants in my city."

It was obvious she'd fully expected him to accept her quest. He tried not to let it bother him... instead, taking solace that her preparations had been thorough. 

"Thank you, Ophelia," Tycon smiled. "That will be most helpful."

"Of course," She smiled back... still nostalgic, "and... thank you for listening."

"Listening costs me nothing," Tycon laughed. 

"Take the damn compliment, Maedar," Ophelia rolled her eyes. 

"Tss. Right."

"Oh, and before I forget," The elf sighed, shook her head... and granted him an uncommonly gentle smile, "Welcome to Whitehearth... old friend."


⟬ Elsewhere in Whitehearth. ⟭