
"Oh, this?" Elle straightened her back as she unsheathed the sword at her waist. "Lover-boy over there got it for me."

Coraline's eyes widened and she sat back to take the blade in full view, "The way it gleams... it's... Arcanite? OoOh. Expensive."

"Very," Tycondrius confirmed. 

"The trophy wife gets all the nicest things," Elle giggled. 

Tycon rolled his eyes. His lover was a humble woman... but he often worried that the source of said humility was her lack of self confidence. 

He hoped that her new sword would work towards alleviating that. 

It had long irked him that Elle's issued sword, per Tyrion regulations, was the incorrect length for her... admittedly non-regulatory height. 

The Arcanite arming sword was more than an expensive gift. It was a durable and reliable combat weapon that also served as a symbol of her high status amongst Tycon's martial forces.