Crossed the Line

Krysaos grinned nervously under the golden gaze of his giant snake Lieutenant. 

Honestly? The guy was pretty gods-damned terrifying. 

A several tonze heavy Sea Serpent was intimidating enough-- and this one had that murderous intelligence in its eyes that essentially screamed 'do not f*ck with me.'

"I'll have you recall the thirteen archways," Tycon commanded. 

"Y-yeah... what about 'em?"

"I'm sure you've gathered that it was a formation-- it functions as a sprawling teleportation system with several exit points..." He explained, "--with the Ancient and I arriving by means not dissimilar to yours.

"Anyroad... allow me to formally welcome you to your first Dungeon, Brother-Captain."

Krysaos felt sweat start to form on his neck and scalp, "Ya... ya don't say?"

That... was not what he wanted to hear. 

A Dungeon was decidedly not an illusion... 

A Dungeon was... real.