Amusing Answer

Krysaos had a sword in King's back... but he knew damn well that alone wouldn't be enough. 

Free arm, hooked around the guy's neck. His weight, shifted to keep King's center of gravity unbalanced. Krysaos even wrapped his own leg around the elf's to keep him locked down. 

Strength was nice-- real nice... but it wasn't something Krysaos ever really had. He made up for it by sheer force of will... and still, King was only seconds away from breaking free. 

Still, Kryasos had technique. 

He had smarts. 

He had cunning. 

Even a guy as insanely strong as King had his limitations. 

It's not like he was a god. 

"Back down, Tycon!" Krysaos shouted,"Or else the elf GETS it!!"

He was hoping... gods-damned near praying that his gamble would work out. 

Taking King as a hostage was an opportunity. 

It was a dangerous as f*ck opportunity-- but f*ck it, he couldn't take it back.