Bleeding a God

Thankfully, The Tree God wasn't paying much attention to Coraline...

"The Elf God and I... stood... on opposite sides... of that terrible war... 

"Even now... my groves and forests recover still... from injuries incurred... several... thousand years ago.

"Even now... we fight."

He clenched his bark-fist so hard, it began to creak.... but not bleed.

Dang it. 

Coraline raised her hand, "Hi. My name is Coraline Heartsong and I absolutely do not represent the Elf God."

"That may be so... she whose heart sings true..." Root's eyes glowed orange-- like the sap that was probably flowing inside of his... bark... "But the fact remains... Elves are not allowed in my forest."

"But it's an emergency!!" Coraline whined-- "Well, look... I understand that it's probably not an emergency to someone who's lived over 350 million years-- but it is to me!"