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Bob took a breath of hesitation... "You... usin' da rules as a shield, Bosun?"

"On the contrary," Tycondrius spoke through clenched teeth, "The rules are currently protecting YOU, young man. Else, I'd be in the process of breaking every f*cking joint in your body on account of your flagrant... disrespect."

Bob gnashed his teeth... stewing in his anger, "Wiv all due respect, Sir... da crew-- dey ain't 'appy! Not wiv any o' dis!"

"Tss," Tycon scoffed. "And do you think I feel any f*cking different, Petty Officer? If solving the problem was as *simple* as getting me to the other ship and using every Gold-Rank Martial Skill in my employ, I would have already DONE so."

After several moments of deliberation, the gargantuan Coral Boy shook his head and sighed, "F*ck me, Bosun... I didn't... I ain't--"

"Apology accepted," Tycon sneered, waving him off, "on account of the shite circumstances. Do *not* allow it to happen again."