Enemy on the Horizon

⟬ Hidden Lake Sect Forward Base. ⟭ 

"Commander Jiang..."

Wang Lei clenched his eyes shut. What could he do... if his enemies could not be killed? 

"Jiang... wake up."

Wang Lei gasped awake a second time. 

Sweat dripped down his forehead and his heart beat painfully in his chest, "Z...zhou Jun Ping?"

Jun Ping grimaced, absentmindedly touching his barely-grown moustache, "You were having a nightmare, Commander."

A nightmare. Of course. 

Wang Lei rubbed his glabella, cursing himself for ignoring the obvious signs. 

His body was sore all over... and even though he'd slept for at least a couple bells, fatigue weighed on both his mind and spirit. 

Outside of the small cave, the rain continued to pour, without end. 

Like in his errant thoughts, the moon was nowhere to be found... However, she and a few orange rays of sunlight occasionally poked through the dark clouds.