Divine Enchantment

Tycondrius kept his vigilance of the Hidden Lake Sect's Guardian Beast. 

Oftentimes, such creatures had unwelcome surprises as they succumbed to death.

...A second-form, perhaps? 

...Or a third? 

A violent explosion, maybe? No, that was unlikely. 

After several ⌈Commander's Strikes⌋ and a rotation of Krysaos' own offensive abilities, the giant tuna spirit finally collapsed into a gallon-fall of clear water and hissing, billowing steam. 

Captain Krysaos stood heroically where it fell, dramatically raising the Heart of the Ocean towards the ceiling, "YEAHHH-HAHHHH!!!" 

...Though celebration was deserved for a powerful enemy so soundly defeated, Tycon did not join his companion's exultations. 

It was not the first Adamantine-Rank enemy he'd defeated.

...The same was also true for Krysaos. 

Instead, Tycon stabilized his breathing as he stretched his arms and rotated his back.