Head & Heart

Zhevra held her breath as she watched Imperia limp her way forward... 

It was a struggle. 

Her breaths were wheezes of agony. Perspiration dripped down her face and exposed upper arms. 

She stopped for a moment... and she shook her head as if trying to awaken. 

The poison affecting her... was a cruel one. 

It was administered by the Princess' personal bodyguard... an Elven male named Bizdiil. He was senile, xenophobic, and misogynistic-- therefore both emulated and celebrated amongst his kin. 

For noble families, more than those born beneath them... the attempted assasination of one of their own earned swift retribution. 

However... Bizdiil was merely the executioner. 

The impotent knife-ear acted only under orders of his High Priestess. 

...Apparently, in House Vulkoori, filicide was one of their favorite activities-- emulated... celebrated.