Casual Summoning

The young ghost did not appear particularly concerned about Tycondrius' misgivings. 

"I'll tell you h-what, Mister," Tamaki leaned forward. "Yer gettin' mah hospitality, no if's, and's, and/or but's. And as fer my forgiveness? I ain't cross wit'chu fer anythin' in per-tic-ular."

...There were far too many 'ands' in that sentence. 

"Brother-Tamaki..." Tycon took a deep breath... and loosed an exasperated sigh, "you... deserve better than this."

"Well, on that note," Tamaki paused... "If ahm recollectin' correctly... which there's a good chance I might not be, there's Avernan Snapper a couple malms upriver?"

"Not what I meant, boy," Tycon growled. 

He turned up to see Tamaki grinning at him, wide... like a fool.