Peculiar Realization

The Corallidae were officially part of the Magic Kingdom's Navy.

Zhevra was privy to the fact-- the Wizard had files collected on all notable personalities in the crew of Neptune's Revenge. 

...She had honestly forgotten. The information was useless since her marks were in the Eastern States, well outside of their jurisdiction.

Still... Stickyfingers was a professional killer, trained by a proper institution. 

Perhaps that was why he knew how to treat a woman with a modicum of respect. 

"Of course it was still loaded," She snorted. "We are still in combat zone."

The pale Corallidus offered the haft of his hatchet once more, "You'z still gonna want 'is? Ey, Zhev?"

"No... There is expensive enchantment on dagger," Zhevra smiled politely. "Return weapon, if you please."