
Tycondrius had parted ways with Tarquin Wroe after Sol Invictus completed a series of missions in the Kingdom.

However... it had been years since he had anything to do with his previous patrons, Princess Aurala Wyndham, youngest daughter of King Adal, and Chantal De la Croix, the Fleet Admiral of the Kingdom's Navy. 

From time to time, Tycon had wondered where the blue-haired fool had gone. 

It wasn't something he placed much importance in. 

If the fates were kind, the Daeva would survive until he and Tycon would again join forces. 

Judging by the man's predilection for forbidden magics and dark artifacts... Wroe's death (or worse) was far more likely. 

Tarquin Wroe followed the whims of his voices... resulting in him descending to one of the seven hells. 

But instead of damning himself to an eternity of pain, agony, and... taxation under whatever passed for the local governing body--

...he yet lived.