Nothing More, Nothing Less

"Sea god's anal beads," Krysaos cursed. "How many of these gods-damned holes are there?"

He stood at the edge of a pit trap. 

A pit trap. 

It didn't matter what was at the bottom-- five fulm long spikes or giant eel-things or a faceless monstrosity comprised of more teeth and tentacles than sensible parts. 

After so many bells of Dungeon delving, pit traps were... boring. 

"...Maybe I should just shut up and be thankful? Maybe. Stupid Dungeon..."

Krysaos took a few steps forward, bounding over with ease. 

He landed.

...but he landed in a place devoid of dungeon tile and watery horrors. 

"...Okay," He gulped, "So not a pit trap."

Dull grey clouds soared overhead, rushing hurriedly... maybe even like they were scared of something. 

Krysaos stood in front of a white picket fence with a solitary stone well beyond-- a place nestled in the hills.