The Girl in the Well (Part Two)

The pressure disappeared... gone as quick as it came. 

Finally, Krysaos was allowed to breathe. He hungrily sucked in the wet, stagnant air. 


It made him want to gag... 

But before puking his insides out... he needed to stand. 

Standing sounded like a good idea. 

Krysaos was having a real shite time, though. His head and heart might've had the right idea, but his legs didn't receive orders right. 

He fell-- collapsing into the shallows with a splash. 

On his hands and knees in front of... f*ck if anyone knows who or what the thing was. 

The only thing Krysaos was certain of was... he was having a bad time. 

And then, he made it worse.

He looked up. 

He saw swords... steaming hot, like they were fresh out of the forge. Tens-- maybe hundreds of white-metal blades were emerging from the black waters. They shone... and glimmered like pearls and gemstones.