Fear of Flight

⟬ Moon Crescent Isle. ⟭ 

"Flame Eternal, keep Coraline safe..." 

Elle had mounted up as soon as she saw the signal in the sky. With the last of her checks complete, Divine Armor Gaheris leapt off the side the Neptune's Revenge.

...Over the past several weeks the fates had thrown the two of them for the wildest loops. 

On the southern plains of the Eastern States, Guild Metal Wolf lost over half its century. 

Good people died... people she worked with... people she saw every sun. 

She didn't have any relation to them. Most of them didn't even like her. 

...But... it just... felt so surreal. 

Elle would never see those people again. 

There was one Wolf who *did* like her... though the feeling wasn't mutual. 

She was the first to find his body after he took his own life.