Claiming Victory

Vyzen had brought offense. 

For that, he could not be forgiven... not by the leader of Sol Invictus. 

...nor by the gods. 

So be it. 

He would not bow his head. His rebellion would continue. 

He would bring death to Sol Invictus... and take out his frustrations on his sister's body. 

The White-Armored man moved to acknowledge Vyzen's resolve. 

He lowered his stance, one arm in front, the other beside his head... hands pointed forward. 

A... magic spell? 


According to the Wizard's files, the only Sol Invictus Caster of worth remained in City Archangel. 

Could it be... a martial art? 

No other possibility remained. Tychon was a Martialist. And in his hands... 

Fiery mana of hate and discontent swelled up around him. They manifested as servants at his feet, dancing with joy, screeching with fury...