Unwelcome Development

Tycondrius took a step forward, quietly observing the Elven Ancient's approach. 

Bronze-skinned and musclebound, he was once known as Sol Invictus member Barza Keith, the Lone Shadowdark. 

He was once human. 

Back then... he'd have never dared acting so brazenly. 

...Alas, he was human no longer. His body was transformed into that of a pointy-eared elf by ancient magics... and with it came the arrogance often attributed to that particular bloodline. 

It was possible that those changes could be reversed. 

The ritual was already designed... but the catalyst Tycon required was not so simple. 

He needed divine resonant energy. 

Krysaos could provide... but only after that fellow's powers matured. 

Besides that, it required the Elven Ancient's vessel relatively intact. 

Thus, dealing with him... was often a pain. 

"Ancient..." Tycon smiled politely, "why are you yelling?"