He Who Dares

The man known as King gripped the handles of his swords. 

He pointed them towards his immortal enemy. 

However... that enemy did not turn and attack. 

Slow... and unharried as the sap flowing through his veins, The Tree God turned his green body to face the Elf King. 

"I am... injured. And not lightly," He sighed, "The will of the younger races... will never cease to amaze me."

"I come not for myself nor for my children," King raised his chin, "It is my duty to save all peoples of this Realm."

The Tree God raised the wet, green appendages on his back, combining them into two new humanoid arms. 

"You risk the livelihood of all beings..." He creaked-- "And for what? For glory you cannot seriously hope to achieve." 

King's anger began to spill into his voice. 

"I. am. this Realm's. SAVIOR!!"

The Tree God remained quiet, keeping as still as his kin. Just the same, not an inkling of emotion crossed his wizened eyes.