Wooden Chimera

Tycondrius leapt off his tree branch, grabbing the leg of a harpy passerby to slow his descent. 

As his enemies were focused on the flashy spell effects of the Thunder God, his actions went largely unnoticed. 

Tucking his sword beneath his arm, he snapped his fingers to aid the shirtless, blood-slathered fellow below. 

⟬ ⌈Commander's Strike⌋ activated. ⟭

With each fingersnap, each swipe of his axe released mana-waves that knocked down trees and carved deep lines in the earth. 

The Shirtless God had excellent hearing. 

...But what of the white-and-brown harpy whose wings he'd borrowed? 

"Good afternoon, Hatchling!" Tycon shouted, "From which flight is thy blood??"

"K-kill... all enemies... of the Tree God~" The harpy sang. 

The response was strange, but more ominously... it was off-key. 

Thus, Tycon assumed the young woman was under the same Domination-Type spell afflicting the the rest of the forest denizens.