
Tycondrius found Natalya's general demeanor somewhat odd. 

--not bad. 

--merely... odd. 

Overall, she had been... softer than he had grown accustomed to?

She brazenly invaded his private room with a series of demands. That, he could expect, considering her domineering personality. 


What was odd was that Natalya had yet to threaten him with a grisly execution or show her displeasure with an excessive display of divine mana. 

...Granted, she did motion to gut him with her sword. 

...And within the same breath, she had a dagger's edge pressed against one of his jugular veins. 

Those things, however, were more akin to play and posturing than they were actual threats. 

Tycon found it especially odd that Natalya hadn't mentioned crucifixion even once-- or affixing him to a rack and having her way with him. Those were her favorite threats... 

"You... can't give up... stupid... snake."