
Once upon a time, there was a handsome snake. 

He knew not his purpose-- not his location... not even his identity.

All he knew... was that he must kill. 

--for that is what predators do. 

And that... is what a snake is: a preda-tor. 

Anyroad, despite the snake's excellence as a preda-tor, he discovered that he was responsible for a clutch of hatchlings. 

They relied on him for survival... for food and basic knowledges-- even social enrichment. 

They were useless without him. 

They were useless because they were all stupid. 

Seven hells... the stupidity of some of them was... baffling. 


Being a predator was not the life of selfishness the snake had hoped for. As a predator, he could easily dominate the food chain and fulfill his hedonistic desires as he pleased. 

However... the snake was a proper adult. 

And as an adult, he had proper responsibilities.