Not a Request

Cortlyn's mind drifted back to the last six weeks of her life. 

It was like the whole Realm had gone crazy. 


Flight time. 

Classes and more classes, a neverending cascade of them. Instructors went from talking about multi-casting to wand safety to clearing buildings, room by room. 

There was paperwork. Stars and stones, there was so much paperwork... 

There was also a... psychiatric exam? Cortlyn was *pretty* sure she was clinically depressed... but the docs said she was fine to deploy. 

Oh-- and on top of that... there was-- surprise! More training! 

Someone from Whitehearth gave a class on basic Divine Armor control. 

Divine Armor control.

That was a class for Alpha Squad-- not someone like her! 

But... if there was any benefit at all... it was the eye candy. 

Besides training and... the subtly-different more-training... there was also *joint* training.