Wind Whisper

Moving a human body was a difficult task-- especially without the use of magic... or... some kind of... humie-movie tool. 

Coraline Heartsong decided to take a short break, taking a few deep breaths and rotating her back.

On a normal sun, Making's commercial district should have been filled with colorful citizens from across the Realm, shopping from equally colorful market stalls selling various things... also... from across the Realm. 

How she saw it, though... every building, from the walled and pillared to the quaint and cobblestoned had ben abandoned. The streets were covered in market goods, debris, and detritus, and the whole area was blanketed with a thin, orange haze of magical smoke. 

Breathing in too much of that stuff would most definitely cause health problems for her, later on in life. 

Coraline stared blankly past the building rubble and randomly discarded pieces of clothing.