Growth (Part One)

⟬ Making Labyrinth, Vralkek Medical Tents, several bells later... ⟭ 

Tycondrius stood over Pale, asleep in his medical cot. 

The boy's arms hung off the sides, he had thrown off his blanket, and saliva ran down the side of his mouth. 

...He was also taller than Tycon remembered. 


"Wake up, boy," Tycon said, nudging the snoring child's head. 

...He said the words, but in truth, did not want to interrupt the boy's slumber. 

Like his father, Pale was a young man who valued action. 

It took the combined efforts of two adult men and a shadow clone to restrain him, but the boy fell victim to the first cast of ⌈Sleep⌋. 

Elves had a strong resistance to mind-altering Spells. 

How quickly Pale's body folded at first opportunity was grossly indicative of his exhaustion.