War Princess Cassiopeia

Tycondrius was fairly certain that War Princess Cassiopeia had arrived while he was conversing with Pale. 

He stepped onto the shadow of the boy, provided by the flickering torchlight. 

Tapping into the pervasive mana in the atmosphere, he first willed the darkness still... then forward. The shadow crept along the ground, peeling apart into five points before wrapping around a barely visible haze. 

The serpentine simulacra constricted around its prey... Cassiopeia's ⌈Invisibility⌋ Spell. 

And so the Ivory Princess appeared in all her glory: designer sandals; golden bracelets; and flowing, white robes reminiscent of a bridal dress. 

The young lady clicked her tongue and ceased channeling her ⌈Flight⌋ Spell. 

She twirled mid-air, landing gracefully in front of the young Hero. 

10 points. 

"So this... is the supposedly handsome Hero of the Holy Country," she sneered. 

Was that what Pale was known for? Tycon didn't quite see it.