Look at Me

The Holy Princess sighed and shook her head. 

[You are one of our dearest friends,] she signed. [I wish you would be more confident.]

Out of nervousness, Gobbuto tried to change the topic. 

"If... fishing for cards... not so good... we can use sticks and twine. We go outside. I will give instruction."

There were few topics in which Gobbuto was confident in teaching Pale... and in those few, he doubted he had much. 

Since the Heroes had returned from the Outer Planes, the man once a couple years his junior had become his senior. 

It wounded his pride to be surpassed in a way he never thought possible-- but only slightly. 

Pale was a Hero. He was not bound to the common logic of the Realm. That was an indisputable fact, drilled into his head, from accompanying the Hero Party in the wilds of the Old Country. 

[What's wrong, my Hero?] the Holy Princess signed, looking to Pale. 

"He's not *yours* Troia," Ree mumbled.