Hope for the Kida Thatch

Something overlarge was thrashing about in the deep-- likely the massive sentience that Tycondrius sensed earlier. 

The notion made him wish he hadn't looked down into the abyss. 

It was a disheartening experience, having something look back. 

Nonetheless, Tycon steeled his resolve, willfully ignoring that which he did not know in favor of that which he did: 

Murdering creatures he did not like. 

The unwelcome invaders were humanoid, fish-eyed sentients. They continued to board the ship, wielding primitive weapons like broken-shell spears and coral-clad clubs. 

Tycon had encountered the creatures before... in a small coastal village called Thorne. The hatcheries were destroyed at that place, but obviously, there were others. 

And the combat effectiveness of those creatures overall... was unfortunately high.