Seating Arrangements (Part One)

⟬ On board Divine Armor Starfury. ⟭

"You trust that woman?" Natalya asked, "Della KwAhhH~?'"

Her pronunciation was correct, but her tone was... a bit off. 

"I don't trust anyone," Tycondrius replied. 

Trust was a broad, overly sweeping term. 

He trusted certain people with certain tasks. He could trust a Sea Wolf to swim, but not to fly. 

"Well, *I* don't trust her!" Natalya pouted.

"...Very well."

Tycon wasn't sure what to do with that information. It didn't seem to affect him, at all.

"Then why," Natalya began, "did you give her that disgusting artifact?"

The artifact? 


The artifact. 

When Sol Invictus member Tarquin Wroe fell in battle, Tycon retrieved a mysterious metal rod from his corpse. 

From what he understood, Wroe had a blessing or three from the Sword Goddess.