Red Light (Part Two)

Krysaos racked his brain, looking for an excuse that wouldn't make him look *more* pathetic. 

Tycon must have thought he looked like a loser!

That hurt even more than getting embarrassed for forgetting to f*cking shave. 

But Krysaos had good reasons! Mina was busy with her weird Sea Witch formation-- and he couldn't really trust any of the crew to not break anything in Jad.

...or to not steal anything.

--or to... not fornicate-with anything. 

It was just a really bad idea, giving them liberty in Jad. 

"Krysaos," Tycon said sternly... "Are you being *hazed?*"

"Wh-what?" Krysaos said, stunned, "Why would you-- but besides that, why do *you* smell like a WOMAN?!"

It wasn't a real insult. Krysaos would have loved to have a *real* insult, prepared or otherwise. He was just stating a weird observation.